Tags: Footprints of Grace
Footprints of Grace
Footprint of Grace
Footprint of Grace was conceived by the author a few months to his 70th birthday. The writing of the book grew out of his desire to share his inspiring life experiences. His life record of 72 years has been compressed into a book which comprises salient history of his life. A tree, they say, cannot make a forest hence, this book also contains the story of his relationship with others who were in close association with him, ranging from family to friends, colleagues and traditional rulers. For many who knew the author, you will agree that he lived a desirable impactful life.
This autobiography is a typical evidence that God has plans for every human he has created and at the right time, each of those plans will be fulfilled to the glory of His name. His sole desire is to pass virtuous messages across to every reader of his autobiography that in every situation in life, one should commit his ways unto the Lord and allow God's will to be manifested in one's life. Also, we should learn to accommodate one another and endeavour to lend helping hands to one another. Let us not withhold good things from those who deserve it as long as it is in our power to do so. If you see a brother or sister falling, please pick them up and strife to live at peace with all men.
In addition, let us be contented with what we have because it will make us experience peace of mind. Most importantly, at the appointed time when our work on earth is done, the master will call us home to a higher service where we will reign together in His heavenly kingdom for eternity. I wish you a wonderful experience as you read through this masterpiece coming directly from your father, brother, friend, colleague and mentor, Professor Samuel Ekundayo Alao who has left you this 'Footprint of Grace' in loving memories of his inspiring encounters in life.
Dr. Modupe Alao-Adetayo