100.2 Nursing Study Set
BIOL 102 General Biology II
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II
PHSC 108 Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology
PHSC 122 Biostatistics and Informatics for Nurses
IRMA 112 Information and Record Management in Nursing
GEDS 126 Life and Teachings of Jesus the Messiah
GEDS 132 Communication in English II
GEDS 134 Nigerian People in a Global Culture
GEDS 120 ICT Fundamentals and Office Production Management..
Includes: CORE COURSES: BIOL 102 General Biology II CHEM 102 General Chemistry II PHSC 108 Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology PHSC 122 Biostatistics and Informatics for Nurses IRMA 112 Information and Record Management in Nursing GEDs: GEDS 126 Life and Teachings of Jesus the Messiah GEDS 132 Communication in English II GEDS 134 Nigerian People in a Global Culture GEDS 120 ICT Fundamentals and Office Production Management