100.2 Software Engineering Study Set
COSC 112 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming II
SENG 102 Introduction to Web Technology and Development
MATH 102 General Mathematics II
PHYS 102 General Physics II
COSC 108 Hardware System Studies I (A+)
GEDS 112 Health Principles
GEDS 126 Life and Teachings of Jesus the Messiah
GEDS 132 Communication in English II
GEDS 134 Nigerian People in A Global Culture
COSC 108 Hardware System Studies I (A+)..
Includes: CORE COURSES: COSC 112 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming II SENG 102 Introduction to Web Technology and Development MATH 102 General Mathematics II PHYS 102 General Physics II CERTIFICATION COURSES: COSC 108 Hardware System Studies I (A+) GEDs: GEDS 112 Health Principles GEDS 126 Life and Teachings of Jesus the Messiah GEDS 132 Communication in English II GEDS 134 Nigerian People in A Global Culture COSC 108 Hardware System Studies I (A+)