300.2 Software Engineering Study Set

  • Product Code: Babcock University
  • Availability: In Stock
Includes: CORE COURSES: SENG 302 Object Oriented Software Development SENG 304 Software Requirements Engineering and Construction COSC 323 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 302 Algorithms and Data Structures COSC 328 Androids GEDs: GEDS 280 Leadership Skills GEDS 312 Introduction to Family Life Education..
Includes: CORE COURSES: SENG 302 Object Oriented Software Development SENG 304 Software Requirements Engineering and Construction COSC 323 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 302 Algorithms and Data Structures COSC 328 Androids GEDs: GEDS 280 Leadership Skills GEDS 312 Introduction to Family Life Education

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