100.2 Theology Study Set
GEDS 112 Health Principles
GEDS 120 ICT Fundamentals and Office Productivity
GEDS 132 Communication in English II
GEDS 134 Nigeria People in a Global Culture
CRLS 114 Personal Faith Formation and Spirituality
CRLS 116 Fundamentals of Children and Youth Ministry
CRLS 118 History of the Christian Church: Apostolic Era to the Dawn of the Reformation Period
CRLS 106 Beginning Greek II
CRLS 108 African Traditional Religions I
CRLS 110 Personal Christian Witnessing..
GEDS 112 Health Principles
GEDS 120 ICT Fundamentals and Office Productivity
GEDS 132 Communication in English II
GEDS 134 Nigeria People in a Global Culture
CRLS 114 Personal Faith Formation and Spirituality
CRLS 116 Fundamentals of Children and Youth Ministry
CRLS 118 History of the Christian Church: Apostolic Era to the Dawn of the Reformation Period
CRLS 106 Beginning Greek II
CRLS 108 African Traditional Religions I
CRLS 110 Personal Christian Witnessing