Satan in the Church

  • Product Code: LockBook Limited 2024
  • Availability: In Stock
Without controversy, the title, SATAN IN THE CHURCH sounds fanatical, alarming and challenging. This is a result of what is happening among the people of God in the present generation. Satan and his agents are working with members and gospel ministers to promote lies. hypocrisy, unhealthy lifestyles, Ungodly prophecies and false doctrines among others. Are you an agent of Satan either consciously or unconsciously? Have you re-examined yourself to ascertain that you are still in the faith? have you evaluated your activities in every phase of life to find out whether you are serving God or Satan? Have you repented of your sins since the days are evil and time is short?. Do not just study this book, practice what it says. be a faithful church and you will receive a crown of life from the One Who, established the Church - Philemon O. Amanze, Professor of comparative Religion and Church Ministry Babcock University..

Without controversy, the title, SATAN IN THE CHURCH sounds fanatical, alarming and challenging. This is a result of what is happening among the people of God in the present generation. Satan and his agents are working with members and gospel ministers to promote lies. hypocrisy, unhealthy lifestyles, Ungodly prophecies and false doctrines among others. 

Are you an agent of Satan either consciously or unconsciously? Have you re-examined yourself to ascertain that you are still in the faith? have you evaluated your activities in every phase of life to find out whether you are serving God or Satan? Have you repented of your sins since the days are evil and time is short?. 

Do not just study this book, practice what it says. be a faithful church and you will receive a crown of life from the One Who, established the Church - Philemon O. Amanze, Professor of comparative Religion and Church Ministry Babcock University

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